A Tribute to Leslie Andre Jones
From The Rhema Tabernacle, Inc. Family

Some of the most memorable attributes of Dre were compiled to reflect his:
Favorite songs of inspiration
Favorite quotes to live by
Favorite people, places, and routines
Favorite prayer request and greatest testimony
Rhema would like to acknowledge our gratitude, respect and dedication of Dre’s faithfulness as a Sunday school student, as wholehearted supporter of Seminars, Youth Retreats, Vacation Bible School and as a choir member. He consistently strived to give his full participation in all activities.
Over a period of time, the youth choir dissolved, but that did not stop him from praise and worship because eventually, he used his skills to sing “his songs” during his testimony, every Sunday morning. Rhema soon recognized, accepted and joined this special time of expression. No one dared tell him he could not present his rendition of what we now call Dre’s Remix” of songs, done his way. The most important thing is that in these songs, he transferred many messages to lost and hurting souls.
His song list included:
- “He’ll Opens Doors for You”
- “Glory, Glory, Hallelujah! Since I Laid My Burden Down”
- “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hand”
- “This Little Light of Mine”
- “Let Us Go Down on Our Knees and Pray”
- “Call Him Up and Tell Him What You Want”
- “O, How I Love Jesus”
His quotes to live by were:
- John 10:35…”the scripture cannot be broken.” He knows this scripture because he listened and he paid attention to Pastor while he’s preaching.
- “When you walk through these doors, you are blessed!”
- “I pay my tithes!”
- “I thank the Lord for my increase!”
- “I take care of my sister!”
- “The Wind!!!!!”-when he refers to the presence of the Holy Spirit moving on him.
His prayer list included:
- Richard Jones
- Wanda Lawyer
- Pastor
- Mother Guest
- Church family
- Sick list for his co-workers and friends his bowling league
- Special request for bowling team members Larry and Michael Leach
His routine in service and fellowship was to:
- Meet on Sunday morning for his one-on-one Anger Management class
- Always passing out special arts and crafts he made as gifts for different people.
- Was willing to help the ushers with tidying up the church.
- He shared his tenderness with all the newborns and always greeting the older children with a hug, a smile and a loving pat on the head, shoulder or back.
- He had his strongest bonds with his immediate family. Never failing to give thanks for his sister, Marlene. If he thought he hurt her feelings, he would go into a good cry and seek counsel with the Pastor until he got it right.
- When he first joined Rhema, he wore his sharp suits every Sunday, but soon after began to dress like his nephews, Richie and Robert in dress down sportswear, expensive sneakers and blue jeans. That made him extra proud.
His Greatest Testimony:
Dre’s greatest testimony was that 12 years ago he was challenged by the powers of darkness when his heart was attacked with seven staph infections consistently pumping into and out of his heart. His sister, Marlene and the saints remained at his bedside, watching and praying for his healing to manifest. Although he was a small little fella, he possessed a great big faith in his God. His battle raged on for months, and yet his faith never faltered or wavered. The doctors seemed to give up in the struggle and hung their heads low, walking away, leaving the impression that he would die soon.
Through strong prayer and intense intercession, Dre’s heart began to improve. It was then that the doctors declared him to be a “Miracle” patient. When Dre returned to church, he never failed to give his miraculous testimony every opportunity he had.
He did not leave us a lot to cry about, but he did leave an in print in our heart that reflects the victory God could give to any soul that truly trusted the power of the Word. Dre was that very example to follow because he was a true believer and disciple of Christ Jesus.
Rest in peace. We’ll see you in the rapture!